Service Status

Service 89: Bishop Auckland - Escomb

From 13/1/2025 Bishop Auckland STAND A CLOSED - All services that operated from Stand A Saddler Street will now depart from STAND D on Newgate Street until further notice

          NS NS
Bishop Auckland Saddler Street Stand A 08:30 10:00 11:30 13:00 15:45 17:05
Bishop Auckland Princes Street top 08:35 10:05 11:35 13:05 15:50 17:10
Bishop Auckland Grove Road 08:37 10:07 11:37 13:07 15:52 17:12
Bishop Auckland Technical College 08:40 10:10 11:40 13:10 15:55 17:15
Escomb Village, Church 08:46 10:16 11:46 13:16 16:01 -
Greenfields Dene, Bedburn Drive 08:52 10:22 11:52 13:22 16:07 17:20
Bishop Auckland Technical College 08:56 10:26 11:56 13:26 16:11 17:24
Bishop Auckland Grove Road 08:59 10:29 11:59 13:29 16:14 17:27
Bishop Auckland Princes Street top 09:01 10:31 12:01 13:31 16:16 17:29
Bishop Auckland Saddler Street Stand A 09:05 10:35 12:05 13:35 16:20 17:31

NS - This journey does not operate on a Saturday

Printable Timetable

Frequency: Monday to Saturday only.

No services on Public Holidays, except where indicated.

This service is operated under contract to Durham County Council. For up to date service information please visit